In mid December, the HR department, spear-headed by the VP, met with the head of IT regarding a simple, small scale, IT project called Kiosks. The project design was simple: 8 computer kiosk stations, 4 in each of our two locations, 3 for employees without computer access and 1 for applicants (finally a paperless process). “That sounds pretty straight forward”, remarks the head of IT, “we’ll get a PM right one it and we’ll have it completed in about a month. Certainly by the last week of January.” Overwhelming applause from the HR department beaming with ideas of how they can better communicate to employees, increase their self-sufficiency, grant them access to information and complete a 100% paperless Open Enrollment. Open Enrollment was already scheduled and Kiosk’s delivery date was within that target, even had a few weeks of “wiggle room”.
During the month of January, the HR department started to see some motion on Kiosks. The PM, Casper, was assigned to Kiosks. He assembled an all-star team, Baldy, Big Guy, and Dumb-Dumb. Equipment was ordered, furniture was ordered, and locations were selected. Project updates were sent out almost weekly keeping all parties informed of the movement. The HR department quickly became buried in Open Enrollment activities, planning, packet assembly, the list is endless; the last thing on anyone’s mind was Kiosks. Thank god for the project updates; Casper appeared to be on top of things and required little involved from the HR department. Kiosks was under control and making progress.
Stations 1-4 were installed at location B three days before Open Enrollment, about one week behind the projected delivery date. Stations 1-4 were not intended to be installed before 5-8, but rather should have been installed simultaneously. Casper explained the installation of stations 5-8 would occur during the next week and was delayed due the furniture order. The project update confirmed the install date.
Mid-February rolled around and stations 5-8 have not been installed. Casper no longer sends out project updates. “Dear HR, Accounting needs to have 4 computers for the auditors who are arriving tomorrow and will be on site for 2 weeks. The only available computers are the ones for stations 5-8. Kiosks has been delayed”, wrote Casper. “We’re not happy,” was the general response from the HR department, “but it’s not like he gave us much of a choice.” “Kiosks will be completed once the accounting is through using the equipment. In the meantime, where do you want stations 5-8? Do the selected areas have electricity and Internet?” Wait, was Casper asking the HR department about electricity and Internet wiring? It’s called Human Resources for a reason, is electricity or Internet a human? “Casper, I really think that someone on your team is better equipped to answer. Aren’t you guys in IT?”
During the last week of February, Casper feels the project needs one more project manager to help tie up the loose ends; Peanut joins the squad. “HR, this is Peanut. He and Baldy are committed to completing Kiosks by the end of the week.” “Casper, you realize that it’s 2:45pm on Friday afternoon. By the end of the week, do you mean in the next 3 hours?” asked the HR department. “By the end week,” replied Casper. The HR department is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. “Can you just clarify one last time where you want station 5, the application station?” he asked. Really? Do we have to really go through this again? “Casper, for the last time, I want station 5 in the lobby of location A against the plain blue wall”, remarked the HR department. “Like I said, Baldy said he’ll get it done today.”
Wednesday afternoon, a visitor to the HR department, a resident of the tent, but he’s old school so he’s not considered part of the problem, but more just part of the family. “I see station 5 is up,” he commented in passing with a side smile. “Effie, come back. Did you say that station 5 is up? I didn’t hear Peanut or Baldy out there.” called out the HR department. “Oh yeah, it’s up, but I don’t think you’re gonna like it. Station 5 is in the back of the building,” he smiled.
The HR department grows more irate with each sentence he utters; each flash of his pearly whites. The HR department walks to the back of the building to review the disaster that Kiosks has become. The HR department swings open the door, scans the room quickly and settles on station 5, set up on a table with a mismatched chair! “You’ve got to be kidding me,” screams the HR department, “it really is a tent full of clowns!”
“HR, I noticed that station 5 has been set up, however, the desktop image is an unapproved company logo and must be replaced immediately,” a quickly witted comment from a passerby.

To be continued….
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