Avoidance #1 – Weird Guy who’s daughter comes and knocks my door to “play”. This guy doesn’t even technically live in my neighborhood. It all started about 3 years ago when he saw us outside our house with our two dogs. He came walking over, allowing his dog (which he thinks is the same breed as mine – ps: he isn’t) to play with my dogs. Harmless enough, but that was only the beginning. It sort of morphed into this obsession, where he and/or his daughter, age 12, comes RUNNING over to our house the minute they see our door open. His daughter has knocked on our front door more times than I can count, always asking “can the girls (meaning my dogs) come out and play?” Really, you can’t make this up.
Avoidance #2 – Shortest guy on the planet with the ugliest Schnauzer I’ve ever seen. I’m not
Avoidance #4 – The children of the multi-family townhouse behind me. I call it the multi-family townhouse because neighborhood rumor had it that the owner of the 4 level townhouse divided up each floor and rented it out to a different family. Rumor, I know. Anyway, the kids are ridiculous. They see us all the time, well less now since I’m avoiding them daily, and every time they see us they ask “Oh, are those your dogs? What are their names?” But you have to picture those sentences coming out of the mouth of an obese 12 year-old with a smoker’s voice.
I know, but really, you can’t make this up.
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