Tuesday, July 21, 2009

“My Autobiography” - Courtesy of various Facebook users

  1. Where did you take your profile picture? At Target in Owings Mills
  2. What exactly are you wearing right now? Black tank, green v-neck shirt, bright pink scarf, black suit and heels
  3. What is your current problem? There isn’t enough space to clearly explain
  4. What makes you happy most? Being at home with someone…
  5. What are you listening to at the moment? The copier, well copying
  6. Any celeb you would marry? Joshua Jackson, who doesn’t love Pacey Witter?
  7. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Bill Maher
  8. Ever sang in front of a large audience? Greek sign, but we mostly Mily Vinily’d it and laughed
  9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? There was a microsoft clip art character that looked just like me…but I think she retired. I can’t find her anymore
  10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? Just Charlie and the Chocolate Factory… “Cheer up Charlie”
  11. How many languages do you speak? Uno
  12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? William E. Appleby – 1983 – 2001
  13. What’s your favorite band? DMB
  14. What's something that really annoys you? People that don’t ask questions, just assume and make bad decisions

Chapter 1:===============

  1. Middle name: Beth
  2. Nicknames: Mints and Peeping Tom (don’t ask)
  3. Current location: Office
  4. Eye color: Brown

Chapter 2:===============

  1. Do you live with your parent(s)? Negative
  2. Do you get along with your parent(s): Best friends
  3. Do you have any Siblings? Sister and brother

Chapter 3: Favorites===============

  1. Ice Cream: Soft serve Chochlate in a waffle cone with rainbow sprinkles…what can I say, my sister owns and ice cream shop
  2. Season: Winter
  3. Shampoo/conditioner: Big Sexy Hair ;)

Chapter 4: Do You?===============

  1. Dance in the shower? Nah
  2. Do you write on your hand? Always carry a note pad
  3. Call people back? Depends on how they sound on the message
  4. Believe in love: Yes
  5. Any bad habits: blow my nose in the shower

Chapter 5: Have You?===============

  1. Sprained stuff: ankles, wrists
  2. Broke a bone: fingers
  3. Had physical therapy: yep
  4. Gotten stitches: nope
  5. Taken painkillers: Yes
  6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: neither, I can’t swim
  7. Been stung by a bee: yes and I totally FEAKED out
  8. Thrown up at the dentist: I avoid at all costs
  9. Sworn in front of your parents: Of course
  10. Had detention: I’m from New Jersey…what do you think?

Chapter 6: what/who was the last?===============

  1. Movie: Brokedown Palace
  2. Person to text? Alison
  3. Person you called: Alisa
  4. Person you hugged: Bobbie
  5. Person you tackled: Kaydee
  6. Person you talked to on Skype: Never have
  7. Thing you touched? keys
  8. Thing you ate? gum
  9. Thing you drank: diet pepsi
  10. Thing you said: “I wouldn’t drive to MDC everyday for a million dollars”

Chapter 7: Future===============

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Not at here ;)
  2. 10 years? Married with kiddies
  3. In 50 years? Still in love
  4. Where do you hope to live? Denver
  5. Do you want to be famous? Just to the people close to me
  6. Do you want children? sure
  7. Will you have plastic surgery? Maybe, but I’m not telling on what ;)

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