Has anyone seen this show? I don’t mean have you caught a quick few seconds while surfing the channel wave, but have you really seen this show? If you’ve seen this show, you’ll understand my borderline obsession with Patti Stanger.
First of all, she’s gorgeous! Tall, dark hair, carries herself with a air of instant confidence. I’m a pretty confident person, I don’t let situations intimidate me, and I can usually carry a conversation with just about anyone; what can I say, I’m an extravert. When I watch Patti in action, I think of her as a better version of myself. She has her shit together; not to mention her famous one-liners. I’m jealous of that, I’m not to big of person to admit it. I’ve had some good one-liners in my life, but most of them I steal from others and just insert them in to appropriate situations. I’ll take the credit though!
A list of one-liners, courtesy of Patti Stanger.
“Nobody likes a brag-a-sorous”
“Are you too much of a player to be a stayer?”
“Women are not gonna spread for you, unless you do it”
“It doesn’t cost anything to have manners”
“I come from a world of heavy hitters, where guys are super mega-wealthy”
“Ageism is a problem in America”
“He’s typical 90210 high school”
“You only have a short window to jump from flower to flower and see what’s pollinating”
“He picked the twins because they are twins – double the headlights”
Patti lays it out – she tells it like it is – no holding back. Sound familiar? I don’t think that’s a fatal flaw of mine, but an extremely endearing quality. True, you have to adjust to that level of honesty; it can be a lot to take, until you get to know me. I don’t think I’m presenting myself in the best light here; I’m a really great person. <
Oh shit, did I just become a brag-a-sorous?
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