So back to the scooter - don't laugh. It's a solution to common problem. I live close to work, I care about the environment, not to mention, scooters are the coolest thing ever and the best way to travel locally. It's a bike, without the need to pedel - it's a bike for lazy people. Poke fun if you must, but I know you will be lining up for a free ride.
Purchasing the scooter isn't the largest cost, there are so many "special" things I'll need. Goggles, helmet, side-car for Presely...the list goes on and on. I understand that Maryland has no helmet law (at least for low power scooters) - if nothing else I like the idea of pulling up to a place, having the whole parking lot looking at you, and pulling off the helmet and letting my hair down. It's like a scene from a movie - staring ME!!
Don't dude likes chicks with bikes? Do scooters count?
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